Updated: 13/01/2022

Training for Beneficiaries Under the Second Call for Proposals of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme 2014-2020 was held

Training for the Turkish beneficiaries of the projects financed under the second Call for Proposals of ENI Black Sea Basin CBC Programme 2014-2020 Period, for which the Directorate for EU Affairs acts as the National Authority, took place on 13 January 2022.

The training organized by the Directorate for EU Affairs, with the aim of providing information to the representatives of 56 projects carried out under the second Call for Proposals of the Period 2014-2020 of the  Programme to improve their capacity in project implementation, was launched by Mr. Bülent Özcan, Director-General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation and continued with the presentations made by the representatives of the Directore.

During the training, the beneficiaries were informed about the general principles of project implementation, procurement rules, expenditures and their first level controls and communication and visibility instructions under the Programme. In the end of the training, the project beneficiaries were given time to ask their questions to the representatives of the Directorate.

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Updated: 13/01/2022 / Hit: 4,759