Updated: 04/01/2022

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı participated in the Introductory Meeting for Digital Europe Programme

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı addressed the Introductory Meeting of the Digital Europe Programme (2021-2027) held online on 29 December 2021.  In 2022 it is envisaged that Türkiye will complete the participation process of Programme which has a total budget of 7.5 billion Euros.

In his speech, Deputy Minister Ambassador Kaymakcı Kaymakcı while stating that The Digital Europe Programme will focus on strategic capacity building and dissemination of digital technologies in the beneficiary countries, underscored the importance of mutual digital interaction between Türkiye and the EU in the upcoming process which could be named a period of digital transformation.  

Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır and President of Digital Transformation Office Dr. Ali Taha Koç delivered speeches in the meeting which was attended by representatives of technoparks, R&D and design centers, development agencies, local governments and NGOs, digital sector stakeholders. The participants were invited to apply for grants of the Digital Europe Programme by preparing projects together with their European counterparts.

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Updated: 04/01/2022 / Hit: 6,280