Updated: 29/09/2021

Joint Programming Committee of Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin CBC Programme met in Bucharest and Online

The sixth Joint Programming Committee meeting of Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin CBC Programme, for which our Directorate acts as the National Authority, was held online and in Bucharest, in hybrid form on 28 September 2021. Representatives of the National Authorities from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia and Türkiye as well as the Programme's Managing Authority, Joint Technical Secretariat the European Commission and TESIM participated in the meeting. Our Directorate was represented by the delegation consisting of EU experts from the Union Programmes and Cross Border Cooperation Department.

During the meeting,  the participants discussed the Implementing Acts, rules of procedures for Joint Programming Committee, Co-financing issue for Technical Assistance, management verifications for 2021-2027 Programme. Additionally, the programme indicators were discussed and agreed by the committee.


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Updated: 29/09/2021 / Hit: 4,799