Updated: 24/09/2021

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı Participated in the Launching Conference of ''Supporting the Effective Implementation of Turkish Constitutional Court Judgments in the Field of Fundamental Rights''Proje

The Launching Conference of Project on “Supporting the Effective Implementation of Turkish Constitutional Court Judgments in the field of Fundamental Rights”, funded under 2019 programming year of the Fundamental Rights Sub-field for which the Directorate for EU Affairs assumes the role of Lead Institution in IPA II Period, was held on 23 September 2021. President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Zühtü Arslan, President of the Court of Cassation Mr. Mehmet Karaca, President of the Council of State Mr. Zeki Yiğit and Minister of Justice Mr. Abdulhamit Gül participated in the launching conference and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı also delivered a speech.

The mentioned Project aims to support effective implementation of Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC) case-law in the field of human rights and raise awareness of relevant stakeholders on both the TCC case-law and individual application mechanism.

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı emphasized the importance of the project and underlined the contributions of the project to the improvement of the judicial system in the coming period.


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Updated: 24/09/2021 / Hit: 5,064