Updated: 24/05/2021

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı bid farewell to the 15th Europa-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally from Directorate for EU Affairs

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı bid farewell to the 15th Europa-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally on 24 May 2021 from Directorate for EU Affairs.

At the Departure Ceremony, Deputy Minister Ambassador Kaymakcı was accompanied by Wilfried Gehr, President of the Europa-Orient Rallye and Nadir Serin, President of the East-West Friendship and Peace Rally and near 100 amateur rally racers.

During the ceremony, Deputy Minister Kaymakcı said that he was pleased to host the participants of the rally, who were voluntary envoys, at the Directorate for EU Affairs. Rally has been supported for 11 years as a part of the Europe Day celebrations in Türkiye within the scope of Türkiye's EU Communication Strategy. Deputy Minister Kaymakcı wished the participants of the rally a journey enriched with Turkish hospitality in the provinces to be visited all along the route.

After the departure from the Directorate for EU Affairs, the rally will visit The Museum House of National Poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy in Ankara within the scope of the 2021 "Year of Mehmet Akif and National Anthem" announced by President Erdoğan. In addition, events promoting Turkish cuisine will be served along the rally route within the scope of “2021 Gastronomy Year” announced by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

15. Europa-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally:

The Europa-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally has been supported by the Directorate for EU Affairs since 2011 as a part of the activities held for 9 May Europe Day in the framework of the European Union Communication Strategy (EUCS). The Europa-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally is an adventure rather than a race. Only old cars, which are worth less than 1,100 euros, can participate in the rally. At the end of the Rally, cars are donated to charity organizations. This year, the rally, in which 20 cars and near 50 racers participate, started on 16 May 2021 from Brussels, Belgium. The rally will travel through Türkiye from 21 May to 29 May 2021 and end on 29 May in Dalyan, Muğla.

Europa-Orient & East-West Friendship and Peace Rally Türkiye and Abroad 2021 Route

The rally consists of 3 stages; Western Europe, Balkans and Türkiye route.

Western Europe and Balkans Route: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Türkiye.

Türkiye Route: Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Bolu, Ankara, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Aksaray, Nevşehir (Cappadocia - Hacı Bektaş Veli), Adana, Mersin - Anamur, Antalya - Alanya, Muğla - Dalyan


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Updated: 24/05/2021 / Hit: 4,401