Updated: 21/10/2020

Launch of the EEA Report ”The European environment – state and outlook 2020” (SOER 2020) in Türkiye was held

The European Environment Agency (EEA) prepares an environmental status report (SOER) every five years with the aim of making a comprehensive assessment of how and why the environment has changed in Europe and what can be done about it  along with the contributions from its member countries.

National inauguration of the latest Report in Türkiye (SOER 2020) published by EEA in December 2019, was held on October 21, 2020 in an online event jointly organized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization with European Environment Agency.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs H.E. Faruk Kaymakcı delivered a speech at the opening of the meeting regarding achievements in the environment chapter in the EU accession negotiations and the importance Türkiye attaches to participation in EU programmes such as the EEA and fruitful collaboration coming out of these Programmes.

The meeting agenda included information sharing by Türkiye regarding EEA related activities in Türkiye and national EIONET structure, presentation of key findings and recommendations of the SOER 2020 report by the EEA, as well as questions & answers session where the relevant discussions took place. More information on the report is available here.


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Updated: 21/10/2020 / Hit: 6,295