Updated: 29/06/2020

Union Programmes, Erasmus + and ESC were introduced to Turkish Red Crescent Community Centers

Under the coordination of the Directorate for EU Affairs , an information meeting  which is hosted by Turkish Red Crescent was held on the Union Programmes, especially the Erasmus + and the European Solidarity Programmes (ESC), for the youth leaders  and youngsters located at the Red Crescent Community Centers. Arzu Akar, EU Affairs Expert, introduced the Union Programmes and functions of the Directorate of EU Affairs at the remote meeting which also lively broadcasted.  Turkish National Agency experts informed participants about the upcoming changes in the Erasmus and ESC Programmes also gave examples regarding the Strategic Partnership and Individual Mobility projects.

Click here  for detailed information about Union Programmes.

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Updated: 29/06/2020 / Hit: 6,539