Updated: 23/03/2020

Call for applications: thematic experts for the preparation of the new 'Interreg NEXT MED' Operational Programme

The Managing Authority has launched a call for thematic experts in charge of supporting the preparation of the new Operational Programme 'Interreg NEXT MED' to be implemented in the period 2021-2027. In particular, the Managing Authority is looking for the following experts:

  • Profile A – Thematic expert in the field of socio-economic development
  • Profile B – Thematic expert in the environmental field
  • Profile C – Expert in programme management
  • Profile D – Expert in evaluation and monitoring of programmes and public policies

Interested applicants are invited to read carefully the call for applications available below.


Applications, to be submitted only in English, shall contain the following documents:

  • Request for participation dated and signed (attachment A);
  • Curriculum Vitae (European format) dated and signed (attachment B);
  • A cover letter dated and signed, describing briefly the experience, qualifications, skills and motivation to perform the tasks for which the application is submitted;
  • A copy of a valid Identification Document.

Deadline for sending applications is 15 April 2020.

For the relevant document about the call, please click here



Updated: 23/03/2020 / Hit: 8,925