Updated: 08/11/2019

Subcommittee No.8 Meeting Held in Brussels

In order to follow the developments concerning the alignment of the Turkish legislation with the EU acquis, 8 Subcommittees, serving under the Association Committee, were established with the Decision No. 3/2000 of the EC-Türkiye Association Council, dated 11 April 2000.

In this framework, the 15th round meeting of the Sub- Committee No. 8 on Customs, Taxation, Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering, was held at the European Commission premises on 7-8 November 2019 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of Acting Director General for EU Affairs Ambassador Başak Türkoğlu and with the participation of all relevant public institutions and organizations.

In the meeting, the matters under Chapter 23 Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, Chapter 24 Justice, Freedom and Security, Chapter 16 Taxation, Chapter 32 Financial Control have been discussed. In this context,  both delegations exchanged views on the recent developments both in Türkiye and the EU, concerning judicial system, fundamental rights, migration and border management, visa policy, fight against organized crime, police cooperation, fight against terrorism, fight against corruption, financial control and taxation and future work plans.

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Updated: 08/11/2019 / Hit: 6,533