Updated: 16/05/2019

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı Participated in the Western Border Project Vehicle Delivery Ceremony

Today, within the project “Border Surveillance between Türkiye and the EU-Phase II” financed under the 2014 programming year of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), of which the Ministry of Interior and Land Forces Command are the beneficiaries, 20 mobile surveillance vehicles were delivered to the Land Forces Command by the contractor Aselsan.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk KAYMAKCI, Deputy Minister of Interior Muhterem İNCE, Deputy Minister of National Security Yunus Emre KARAOSMANOĞLU, Defence Industry President Prof. Dr. İsmail DEMİR, EU-Türkiye Deputy Head of Delegation Gabriel MUNUERA VINALS and General Director of Aselsan Prof. Dr. Haluk GÖRGÜN attended as speaker to the handover ceremony held at the premises of Aselsan in Macunköy. In his speech, Ambassador KAYMAKCI pronounced the importance of border security and the success Türkiye has shown regarding border management.

The said project aims to improve Türkiye’s institutional capacity and operational know-how regarding border surveillance and increase the fight against irregular migration in Türkiye-EU borders. 57 border surveillance vehicles will be procured within the project and 200 border staff will receive training.

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Updated: 16/05/2019 / Hit: 6,163