Updated: 14/05/2019

Turkish Students who obtained College of Europe Postgraduate Scholarship for 2019-2020 Academic Year are announced

The College of Europe is located in two campuses, Brugge and Natolin. For the field of European studies the most noteworthy experts are educated at the College of Europe. Since the College of Europe was founded in 1949, 181 Turkish students studied in postgraduate programmes at the College of Europe. 103 of these students are among our scholarship programme. Among the candidates applied for the College of Europe Postgraduate Scholarship Programme, 63 applicants entered the short list. The shortlisted students were interviewed by the College of Europe Turkish National Selection Committee on 7 and 8 May 2019 in Istanbul. The candidates qualified for scholarship were determined on the basis of their academic backgrounds, qualifications and performances. 13 students obtained scholarship in College of Europe Postgraduate Programmes and 4 students were qualified as substitutes.

We congratulate students who obtained scholarship and wish them success at the College of Europe and in their future life. We also encourage those who could not make it this year to apply next year again with more preparation.

Click for the list of 13 students who obtained scholarship and the list of 4 substitutes who were put on the reserve list.   

Any question related to the whole process can be e-mailed to avrupakoleji@ab.gov.tr.


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Updated: 14/05/2019 / Hit: 10,205