Updated: 07/06/2018

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik evaluated the permission granted in the Netherlands to the far right organisation Pegida to hold a demonstration

Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik evaluated the permission granted by the Rotterdam municipality for Pegida to hold a barbeque party, in which pigs will be roasted on spits, in front of a mosque in Rotterdam, at the time of the breaking of the Ramadan fast.

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated over his twitter account: “Far right organisation Pegida has been granted permission to roast pigs on spits in front of a mosque in Rotterdam. On Thursday, at the time of the breaking of Ramadan fast, members of this fascist organisation will hold a barbeque party in front of Rotterdam’s Laleli Mosque of Islamitische Stichting Nederland and they will roast pigs on spits. This is so far the most immoral attempt ever in the history of hate crimes. Granting legal permission to such an immoral activity is also another deficiency of morality.”

Noting that other municipalities in the Netherlands did not allow Pegida to roast pigs in front of mosques at the fast-breaking time, Minister Ömer Çelik said “However, Ahmet Abutalib, Mayor of Rotterdam, who is of Moroccan origin, thinks that this activity of Pegida is not against the law. Such a gross tragedy!”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik, referring to the words of Abutalib, who is from a Muslim family, saying that organizing a demonstration was a fundamental legal right, stated: “Since when has disrespect to mosques become legal right? Any disrespect to mosques, churches and synagogues is a hate crime. There cannot be any law which would allow a hate crime.”

Stating that Turkish and Muslim organisations in Rotterdam would hold an activity at the same hour to lay flowers around the mosque and would “erect a wall of love with flowers against the odour of hate”, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “This is a true lesson of humanity. Muslims will teach a humanity lesson against this policy of hatred.  Thus, they will remind everyone of the respect to mosques, churches and synagogues. They will also underline that when respect does not exist in a community, then hatred prevails over democracy, law and freedoms. We are proud of the way Muslims will teach a humanity lesson against this immoral attempt of hatred. It is now time to raise the voice of humanity all together against the circles of hatred.”


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Updated: 07/06/2018 / Hit: 6,263