Updated: 17/04/2018

Statements by Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik on the Agenda

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik responded, in his twitter account, to the conclusions at the end of EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting by the Foreign Affairs Ministers of 28 EU Member States. Minister Ömer Çelik said that he found the critical statement regarding Türkiye following this meeting to be “irresponsible” and said “This statement lacking any political and humanitarian sensitivity and responsibility.”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said:

“In the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council meeting, the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the twenty-eight EU Member States have stated that ‘The Turkish military operation (in Afrin) has further deteriorated the humanitarian situation and led to the displacement of the local population.’ It is another irresponsible statement by the EU, which fails to take necessary action in line with its responsibilities regarding the situation in Syria. The EU has also stated ‘The EU expresses deep concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in North-western Syria, in particular in the region of Afrin following the Turkish military operation.’ This is a statement lacking any political and humanitarian sensitivity and responsibility.”

Minister Ömer Çelik, who indicated that the EU did nothing about Syria but only made statements such as “follows it” and “has concerns”, also said:

“They have not fully understood the situation in Afrin and have no idea what is happening on the ground. Yet they make these accusations. They argue that the Turkish military operation has deteriorated the humanitarian situation and led to the displacement of the local population. They cannot be unaware of the hegemony of terrorism in the region prior to the Turkish military operation as well as the forced migration of the local population by the PYD terrorist organisation. Arguing that the situation has deteriorated following Türkiye’s Afrin operation is tantamount to supporting the hegemony of terrorism prior to the military operation and to the atrocities against the local people by terrorists. Before the operation in Afrin, the terrorist organisation forced the local people to migrate, illegally confiscated their lands and carried out all kinds of inhumane treatment. Türkiye’s operation in Afrin ended the situation and the hegemony of terrorism and the local people have gone back to their historical lands.”

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Updated: 17/04/2018 / Hit: 12,307