Updated: 06/02/2018

Istanbul Info-Day for Town Twinning between Türkiye and the EU Grant Scheme

Istanbul information day for the Town Twinning between Türkiye and the EU Grant Scheme, carried out by the Ministry for the European Union Affairs, was held on 6 February 2018. The openning speech was delivered by Dr. Mehmet CANGİR, Deputy Undersecretary of Ministry for EU Affairs. Representatives of local administrations and civil society organizations from Istanbul and neighboring provinces participated in the programme. After the openning speech, experts of Ministry for EU Affairs and Central Finance and Contact Unit gave detailed information about grant scheme programme and replied the questions of participants. Detailed information for the programme can be accesed from the web page of our Ministry: (https://www.ab.gov.tr/turkiye-ve-ab-arasinda-sehir-eslestirme-hibe-programi-teklif-cagrisi_51069.html)

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Updated: 06/02/2018 / Hit: 11,676