Updated: 30/01/2018

Second Meeting of 2014-2020 ENI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme was Held

2nd Joint Monitoring Committee of ENI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme, in which Ministry for EU Affairs acts as National Authority of Türkiye, was held on 30 January 2018 in Bucharest, Romania.  

Ministry for EU Affairs Financial Cooperation Directorate Director Beyza Turan and accompanying delegation represented our country in the meeting.  Relevant representatives of Programme countries, namely Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine and Türkiye attended the meeting.

The main agenda of the meeting was the  selection process of the 1st call for proposals of the 2014-2020 period of the Programme. Quality assessment of the proposals, the preliminary situation of the programme output indicators, lessons learned from the 1st call for proposals and risk management were also discussed in the meeting.

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Updated: 30/01/2018 / Hit: 11,617