Updated: 11/12/2017

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik Evaluated the Conviction of a Prison Sentence for Aiding Migrants in France

Minister of EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik evaluated the ruling in France regarding “the imprisonment of farmer Cedric Herrou on the grounds that he aided migrants”. Minister Ömer Çelik criticized the decision, indicating that rather being than an issue to be fought against, migration should be an issue of management for the EU. He said “Europe should build bridges instead of setting up walls against migrants. This a test of our humanity.”

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik emphasized in a twitter message that Türkiye, as a European country and a part of the Islamic World, was the only country to embrace people fleeing death, despite a lack of support, and indicated that the refugee crisis was a “test of European values.”

“Several countries are making efforts. However, Türkiye alone is upholding the dignity of the entire world.  Jan Egeland, Chair of the UN/ISSG Task Force on Humanitarian Access in Syria and Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, (NRC) also has most recently underlined this fact.  Egeland has indicated that ‘Türkiye is the most generous country in admitting and protecting refugees.’  Türkiye was not able to obtain strong support from Europe when fulfilling this moral and political responsibility.  Türkiye who has fulfilled this humanitarian obligation has not obtained support from the Islamic world and other countries.”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated that aiding these people in need of assistance should be the most important matter for the world. Indicating that those who do not fulfil their obligations towards these people should not talk about European values, Minister Ömer Çelik pointed out “While there are small children who are thinking ‘Will I get food and not be hungry if I die?’, which values will the Islamic world be able to defend?”

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik underlined that the Turkish nation was carrying out this paramount obligation on behalf of all humanity and said “A lesson in humanity is being taught by Türkiye.  Our nation walks mostly alone on this path and is accompanied by ‘all that makes us human’, even if not by political blocks.


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Updated: 11/12/2017 / Hit: 5,537