Updated: 07/06/2017

“Civil Society Sector – Dialogue Workshop with the Universities” Elaborating on the University – Public Sector – NGO Cooperation Opportunities Held in Ankara with the Participation of University Representatives

The third of the Civil Society Sector Workshops was held on 7 June 2017 in Ankara with the participation of university representatives. The workshop was organized within the scope of the project entitled “Technical Assistance for Support to the Preparation and Implementation of the Türkiye Civil Society Sub-Sector Programming 2016-2017” which is implemented by the Ministry for EU Affairs.

 “Civil Society Sector – Dialogue Workshop with the Universities” started with the opening speeches of Ambassador Selim Yenel, the Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry for EU Affairs and Gabriel Munuera Vinals, the Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye. In the opening speeches, the significance of enhancing the capacity of the civil society organizations as one of the key actors in Türkiye’s accession process to the EU and the potential contributions the universities could make for this purpose were emphasized. Afterwards, detailed information regarding the Civil Society Sector under IPA II period and the sector’s priorities was provided to the university representatives by the Project Implementation Director of the Ministry for EU Affairs, Bülent Özcan. Additionally, grant opportunities the universities could benefit within the context of the EU pre-accession assistance were explained. The workshop continued with the panel in which the University – NGO cooperation opportunities were discussed.

In the afternoon session of the workshop, the activities of the universities in the civil society field were addressed and the answers to the following questions were sought together with the participants:

  1. Taking into account the priorities of the civil society sector, how can the universities contribute to civil society field?  What are the instruments / opportunities / resources of the universities in this sense?
  2. What are the constraints (financial, technical, human resources, etc.) experienced by the universities while supporting the civil society?
  3. What are the proposals on the university – public sector – NGO cooperation model that would contribute to the capacity enhancement of the civil society? Could this model be designed into a project? How should the Civil Society Sector support the Universities?

“Civil Society Sector – Dialogue Workshop with the Universities” will be repeated in the upcoming months in different cities with the participation of relevant stakeholders.

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Updated: 07/06/2017 / Hit: 7,262