Updated: 24/04/2016

High Level Economic Dialogue Between Türkiye And EU

In the meeting between the Heads of State of European Union Member States and the Turkish Government on 29 November 2015 in Brussels, it was agreed that Türkiye and the EU would work on the establishment of a High Level Economic Dialogue mechanism which will contribute to the further enhancement of economic relations and create a business platform to bring business circles together. Accordingly, to take place today and tomorrow, the High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) will offer the opportunity for a substantial bilateral economic debate which should result in an improved understanding of each other's policy priorities and increased opportunities for mutually beneficial co-operation.

The  EU-Türkiye Business Dialogue event, co-organised by the Ministry of EU Affairs of Türkiye,  Undersecretariat of Treasury of Türkiye and the EU Delegation to Türkiye in cooperation with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in Türkiye (TOBB)/Economic Policy Research Foundation of Türkiye (TEPAV), brings ministers of the Government of Türkiye in charge of economic policy-making and EU relations and their counterparts from the European Commission together with major Turkish and European business community representatives for the first time, allowing for direct discussions on matters falling within the remit of the HLED. The event to take place in İstanbul on 25 April 2016 will be followed by a Conference on Foreign Direct Investments and Investment Climate bringing together Turkish and European business leaders, NGOs and researchers.

The economic dialogue at government level will take place in Ankara on 26 April 2016. This event will focus on Investments, Structural Challenges and Policies in the EU and Türkiye and Economic Situation and Macro-Fiscal Policies in the EU and Türkiye. The conclusion of the meetings will be announced by Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Mehmet Şimşek and Vice President of the European Commission Mr. Jyrki KATAINEN with a press conference on April 26th, 2016 between 13:45-14:10 hours.

The HLED events will be attended by Mr. Jyrki KATAINEN Vice President of the European Commission for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness,  Mr. Pierre   MOSCOVICI, EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial affairs, Taxation and Customs, Mr. Johannes HAHN, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood policy and Enlargement, Mr. Karmenu VELLA, EU Commissioner - Environment, Maritime affairs and Fisheries.

On the side of the Government of Türkiye, Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek will lead the event with participation of Mr. Volkan Bozkır, Minister of EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator, Mr. Mustafa Elitaş, Minister of Economy, and Mr. Bülent Tüfenkci, Minister of Customs and Trade.


Date / Time/ Venue: 25 April 2016, 11:30-17:30, Hilton Bosphorus Hotel, İstanbul

                                 26 April 2016,  13:45-14:10, JW Marriot Hotel, Ankara

Updated: 24/04/2016 / Hit: 5,177