Updated: 08/05/2015

Press statement on Europe Day by Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ambassador Volkan Bozkır

9 May, Europe Day is the anniversary of the rebirth of peace, welfare and stability in Europe and it is the birthday of the EU, one of the most important peace projects of the history of the humankind. The Declaration of 9 May 1950 by Robert Schuman, French Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, was a milestone not only for the European history but for the history of humankind also, laying down the foundations of the European integration.

The EU, a unique integration process in  political history of the world, has been a source of inspiration and hope for both the peoples of Europe and the international community with the common policies developed in nearly every field of our daily life. On the occasion of 9 May, Europe Day, it is essential that the stage the European integration has reached and the problems it is  facing are addressed frankly with a future perspective so that the EU project continues to be a source of hope for the peoples of Europe.

Türkiye's EU accession process is tantamount to a comprehensive reform movement with political, economic and social aspects. With this awareness, the AK Party Governments have so far contributed the most to Türkiye's EU accession process since the establishment of the Republic. Fundamental reforms in the area of human rights, democratization, freedom of expression and demilitarization were realised within a very short period of time, and thus the start of negotiations for accession was achieved on 3 October 2005. In the last thirteen years, Türkiye has adopted 339 primary and 1813 secondary legislation to ensure alignment with the EU acquis. Ministry for EU Affairs, which is exclusively responsible for accession negotiations and coordination of the harmonisation process, has been established. In almost all of the meetings of the Council of Ministers, Türkiye's EU accession process has been one of the priority agenda items.

Türkiye decisively continues this reform  movement despite various obstacles including prejudices and political blockages it is facing on its EU path. Türkiye is a natural member of the European family and Türkiye's EU accession is necessitated by history and geography.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to respectfully cite those who have contributed to the European integration and Türkiye's EU accession process, and extend my best wishes to our citizens and all the Europeans on the occasion of the 9 May, Europe Day.

Updated: 08/05/2015 / Hit: 6,601