Updated: 19/10/2014

Türkiye's Participation in COSME Programme

The agreement on Türkiye’s participation in EU Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) was signed during Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Volkan BOZKIR’s visit to Brussels.

Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry for EU Affairs Ahmet Yücel and Deputy Director of DG Enterprise and Industry Antti Peltomaki signed Türkiye’s participation agreement in the COSME Programme during Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Volkan Bozkır’s visit to Brussels. The program will be operational in 2014-2020 period and focusing on SMEs which are considered as engines of economic growth. 

The budget of the program for seven years will be app. 2.3 Billion € and will provide SMEs, which assume a significant role in reaching Europe 2020 Strategy’s targets on smart, sustainable, inclusive growth, with important opportunities.

The Programme, which will be coordinated by KOSGEB, will support establishment of new SMEs and their growth by increasing competitive power of enterprises, strengthening their sustainability and supporting the entrepreneurial culture.

By implementing the COSME Programme in our country, it is aimed to facilitate SMEs’ access to finance and new markets, supporting the entrepreneurial capabilities through increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises.

Updated: 19/10/2014 / Hit: 11,202