Updated: 21/02/2014

“Competition of Young Communicators on the EU Path” Winners

The Final Jury assessment of the “3rd Competition of Young Communicators on the EU Path”, implemented by Ministry for EU Affairs under the auspices of Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, was held on 18 February 2014. The Undersecretary of Ministry for EU Affairs Ambassador M. Haluk Ilıcak chaired the Jury which was composed of the academicians and representatives of the Ministry.

The Competition aims to allow the youth to use their creative ideas for contributing to overcome the prejudices and misperceptions both in Türkiye and in the EU, as well as learning more about the European Union and Türkiye-EU relations. The young communicators from 35 universities produced works under six categories with the themes of Women and Environment in the accession process and Türkiye’s contribution to the EU.

The winners of the six categories are below:

-          Outdoor Advertisement and Printed Material Category,  Anadolu University,Young Türkiye is Thinking Big” by Göze Çiçek and Fırat İnce

-          PR Campaign Category, Selçuk University,Her Düş Gelecek” by Feride Özdengül, Erol Dönek and Muhsin Samet Okur

-          Internet ve Social Media Applications Category, Akdeniz University,Adım Adım Avrupa” by Faruk Kayın

-          Radio Category, İstanbul Kültür University,CE” by Özge Özkök and Beyza Bozkurt

-          News Category, Akdeniz University,Karadeniz Kadiniyuk Haklarumuzun Peşindeyuk” by Hayal Maraşlı ve Taner Yapku

-          Television Category, Yaşar University,Unity” by Recep Susem, Naz Sütçü and Evren Babayiğit


The full list of the winners of the Competition of Young Communicators on the EU Path:

Outdoor Advertisement and Printed Material Category

1.   Young Türkiye is Thinking Big - Anadolu University – Göze Çiçek, Fırat İnce

2.   Türkiye: Noah’s Ark in EU – Gazi University – Gizdem Ölçücüoğlu, Çağlar Güler

3.    Anti-Aging – İstanbul Ticaret University – Aysun Bedir - Serhat Bağdatlı

PR Campaign Category

1.    Her Düş Gelecek – Selçuk University – Feride Özdengül, Erol Dönek, Muhsin Samet Okur

2.   3D Dünya İçin Değiştir Dönüştür – Erciyes University -  Derya Açar, Nergiz Boral

3.   Yarınlarımızın Başına Poşet Örmeyin – Erciyes University -  Süleyman Keskin, Halil İbrahim Yılmaz, Rustam Berdiyew

Internet ve Social Media Applications Category

1.   Adım Adım Avrupa – Akdeniz University – Faruk Kayın

2.   Sosyal Süreç Sosyal Medya – İstanbul University – Kaan Küçükarslan, Arda Yumuşakbaş

3.   AB Yolunda Türkiye Kadınlarımız El Ele – Gazi University – Duygu Şen, Özge Bal

Radio Category

1.   CE – İstanbul Kültür University – Özge Özkök, Beyza Bozkurt

2.   AB Bize Uyar – Akdeniz University – Bahadır Burak Solak, Mikail Akyüz

3.   Türkiye AB’ye Türk Kadını Girişime – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University – Hülya Ural

News Category

1.   Karadeniz Kadiniyuk Haklarumuzun Peşindeyuk – Akdeniz University – Hayal Maraşlı, Taner Yapku

2.   Şiddete Karşı AB Desteği – İstanbul Kültür University – Ayça Tezeken, Ömer Faruk Orha

3.   Uluslararası Rekabette Eko-Etiket Dönemi – Ankara University – Sadık Demirbağ, Buket Çalıkuşu

Television Category

1.   Unity – Yaşar University – Recep Susem, Naz Sütçü, Evren Babayiğit

2.   Same Words – Anadolu University – Doruk Arslan, Buğra Balcı

3.   Here to Make It More Delicious – Karadeniz Teknik University – Onur Cem Bülbül, Yusuf Emre Atasayar, Emre Gülver


The Members of the Final Jury:

Chairman: Ministry for EU Affairs, Undersecretary, Ambassador M. Haluk Ilıcak


1.   Ministry for EU Affairs, Deputy Undersecretary, Dr. F. H. Burak Erdenir

2.   Ministry for EU Affairs, Minister Press Counsellor, Nuri Cihangir Şahin

3.   Prof. Peyami Çelikcan, İstanbul Şehir University

4.   Prof. Rengin Küçükerdoğan, İstanbul Kültür University

5.   Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Ayhan, Akdeniz University

6.   Assoc. Prof. Hasan Kemal Süher, Bahçeşehir University

7.   Assoc. Prof. Alper Altunay, Anadolu University

8.   Assoc. Prof. Fuat Akdenizli, İstanbul Aydın University

9.   Assoc. Prof. Muharrem Çetin, Gazi University

10.  Assist. Prof. Dr. Gilman Senem Gençtürk Hızal, Başkent University

11.  Instructor, Bülent Özkam, Ankara University


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Updated: 21/02/2014 / Hit: 16,243