Updated: 29/05/2012

Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue Project Opening Ceremony Took Place at GNAT

Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue Project  implemented by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT) and European Union took place on 28 May 2012 at the GNAT Ceremony Hall.

The opening ceremony was held with the participation of H.E. Egemen Bağış, Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator, Ministry for EU Affairs Undersecretary Ambassador Mr. Haluk Ilıcak, The Speaker of Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Mr. Cemil Çiçek, President of the European Parliament Mr. Martin Schulz and EU Harmonization Committee Chairman Mr. Mehmet Tekelioğlu.

The Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue is the first project that targets political groups and organizations that are in the process of Türkiye's integration. The project aims to maximize the role of Grand National Assembly of Türkiye in the process of EU membership negotiations by promoting the dialogue between parliamentarians and political parties represented in the parliament of Türkiye and the Member States.

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Updated: 29/05/2012 / Hit: 9,878