Updated: 21/04/2016


Training and Institution Building Directorate;

1) Ensures the coordination of technical support provided from the EU's institutions and member states.

2) Ensures the coordination of training and internship of the public officials concerning the EU and accession process.

3) Designates a training policy in line with needs of public institutions, constitutes an action plan and within this scope, organizes training programs or ensures to be organized.

Besides, within its scope of activity, it also does the tasks as specified below;

a) It ensures the preparation of the necessary documents regarding the negotiation process,

b) It fulfills the secretariat tasks of the boards, committees and working groups that are to be formed, as well as monitoring the implementation of the decisions that are taken,

c) In cooperation with relevant public institutions, it determines the required technical, administrative capacity and financial needs for the alignment and implementation of the legislation, as well as providing assistance in programming and designing the activities towards meeting those needs. In addition to this, it contributes to the evaluation and monitoring of these activities,

d) In cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations, it contributes to the preparation, to the monitoring of the implementation, and to the report of the National Program.

e) It examines and gives opinion on the legislative drafts prepared by public institutions, within the framework of their harmony with the EU Acquis and terminology. 


Updated: 21/04/2016 / Hit: 25,048