Updated: 28/03/2011

Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting of ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme

Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting of ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme whose National Authority in Türkiye is the Secretariat General for EU Affairs, was held on 23 and 24 February 2011 in Edirne. The closed meeting was chaired by the Head of Managing Authority and attended by representatives from 8 member countries to the Programme, namely Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Türkiye and Ukraine.

Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting of ENPI Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme
Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting At Edirne Municipality Building


At the meeting, the whole process of the First Call for Proposals under the above-mentioned Programme was assessed and, draft for Guidelines for Applicants under the Second Call for Proposals was discussed. The outcome of the meeting will be reflected into the Guidelines for Applicants to be published with the launch of Second Call for Proposals.

Karadeniz Programı, Edirne OİK3
Members of Joint Monitoring Meeting of Black Sea Basin Programme, in front of Lausanne Peace Monument 


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Updated: 28/03/2011 / Hit: 10,149